Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Stop Focusing on the Cow

Photo from bossie.

There is a group of farmers in the world that believe it's more important to pay attention to their pastures than their animals grazing. I'm no expert on farming and would never pretend to understand this concept. However, I think I understand at least the surface of the concept.

If the grass is good, the cows are happy. Cows were created to eat grass. If the cows are happy eating good grass, then they're pooping on the grass. If the cows are pooping, the chickens are pecking through the poop for worms and all sorts of goodies. If the chickens are eating, then they're obviously happy and obviously pooping. If both the cows and chickens are both happy and pooping, then the grass is fertilized with the good stuff and the cycle continues. It all depends on good grass.

This farming jujitsu of sorts is metaphoric and inspires me to ask how can the concept can be applied to my life? (not so much poop though) How much of life am I spending focused on the cows when I should be focused on the grass? What is the grass?

Just a thought this week.

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