As you read, think about the wisdom coming from the 99% conference.
"It's not not about ideas, it's about making ideas happen".
"Reduce everything you want to do into a series of steps that you can do right now".
And away we go...

I Am The Wall: A Holy Land Project
This idea was inspired by my trip with a close friend to Israel. Simply put, I have a dream of creating a diverse network of people, who are open to understanding each other and reconciliation, on both sides of the wall that divides Israel. Typically, the wall has negative implications on both sides. What if the wall stood as an example? What if it was transformed into a beautiful metaphor? The wall stands because of there are many parts that hold it together. Using the number of networking tools, provided by the web, a group of people can form a "metaphorical" wall that stands against oppression of any kind and deadly traditions of hate that exist. Oppression, in my opinion, includes extremism and hate of another culture or religion. Not only is it important that Israelis and Palestinians connect. The world also needs to connect with the people living in the land of Israel. I envision people allowing themselves to form an opinion, not based on what the news and media depicts, but through actually interacting with a Jew or an Arab, etc...
- Revise written vision statement
- Show vision statement to Palestinians and Israelis

Culture Within Your Own Country
Here's another social network project that I thought of last week. I thought of this because I miss the amount of diversity I encountered during my days at La Roche College. A day didn't go by where I did not interact with someone not native to US soil. I actively participated in cultures different than mine and I miss that.
So here's my idea... A social network where people of different cultures can connect specifically for the reason of learning and trying to understand each other through a cultural experience. Picture this: I want to go to a synagogue, but I'd rather know a member of the synagogue and go with them and then discuss the experience afterwards over coffee or tea. Or, I'd like to eat Ethiopian with an Ethiopian and converse about growing up in Addis Ababa. Do you catch my vision? In the end the experience awards both sides. As an American I have the pleasure of immersing myself in learning, experiencing, smelling, tasting, or listening to a new culture, and the person of the culture has a pleasure of sharing their story with pride. (I admit that the genius's at OOOOBY inspired this on as well)
- Start visiting places in Chattanooga by myself or with friends and build relationships
- Blog about the experiences

Chattanooga, "Sprout Fund" to build interest in neighborhood specific public art.
First, you should visit The Sprout Fund website or Mural Farm.
Essentially, I love the effect that murals have had on communities in Pittsburgh and Philly. I'd love to see that same process duplicated in Chattanooga (with a Chattanoogan touch of course). I'm not entirely interest in designing a mural. However, I'm extremely interested in helping artists like Sean LaRose create beautiful work that the community can appreciate. Currently, w&s art director, Joseph Shipp, and I have a dream of a painting a mural on the back side of the studio.
- Examine the Pittsburgh Model (and other cities like Philly)
- Write to other cities for advice
- Brainstorm with Joseph and Sean
- Pull in other advocates
- Find funding
Please feel free to criticize or volunteer to help with any of these visions. Comment below or email me.
Keep the entries coming! I love reading what you have to say.
You know, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to pour yourself into the Chattanooga art dream while you're there. From what I saw during my short visit, I imagine the support would be greater than any form of opposition. Of course, it is always a little scary to become so vulnerable in the whole actual "chasing" of dreams process, but then again, maybe that's half the fun. We don't stroll with our dreams. [:
And, you can probably twist your other dreams around some pretty awesome minds and make something real of it.
Of course, that's all just speculation of how I'd approach it. What do you think? What's your heart saying? Honestly, what is your gut feeling? Because, there's a reason you may feel drawn to something, and sometimes, that's all you need. It's really important to know where you honestly and truly stand so you don't get lost.
Good luck on ALL your dreams, mi amigo. And, if you ever need help or support for anything, you know where to find me! [:
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