Hey folks! Sorry for the delay. I hope you can forgive me. In order to make it up to you, I am going to make this one even better. I added pictures!

First off, everything is going great! I am having the time of my life! I am learning so much and I, hopefully, am growing. I like to call this manhood training. (Refering to what Kunta Kinte, in the book Roots, called the period of training before becoming a man.) This isn't africa and I am by no means participating in any ritualistic activities. No fear! However, we have listened to a series of people, including, congressmen , senators, an NFL hall of Famer , and awesome people who have also succeed in the private sector. Each of them talks about purpose, their relationship with Jesus, and so many other inspiring topics. Tonight, this guy came to our house for dinner and talked about finding a sense of purpose in his career. He specifically recomended that we should seek ways to use our gifts in the ways that christ would want us to. He also said we should fail. He fails more than we succeed. Our success should overcome failure. In order to learn we will mess up. All this and more I am learning. I feel I am living the dream!
Above you see me on one of my recent adventures, WAKE BOARDING! This took place just before the entrance to the Chesapeake bay in Arnold which is near Annapolis. I have so much trouble getting up in the water. Once I got up I had a blast! It was like snowboarding! One of our mentors owns a home on the water. Austin, (a fellow intern) and I went with Jeremy, our mentors son. Our mentors are very open with their possessions. They are fortunate to have great things and they share them. I hope to be like that someday.
Also above you can see pictures from a trip to DC that both the guy and girl interns made a few days ago. We basically hung out on the Washington Mall. I am glad that I got to play tourist a few times before this internship. Otherwise, we are way to exhausted to be the tourist. We work, it seems, 24/7. Our job is not defined, but we are constantly learning. The day before the trip to DC we went to the capital building and were given a tour. I got to stand on the Senate Floor! We even got to ride the tram that takes the members to and from the office buildings to the house or senate floor.
As you can see, I am having a blast. It keeps getting better each day. I think, to be honest, the more I am in touch with back home, the better. It is easy to get caught up in the craziness of this city. I am so happy I have a great foundation from all of you.
Some info about the pictures. The one with me in front of PA is at the WWII memorial.
The group pic is at the Wash. Monument.
The picture in the car is of Austin and I. He is one of my roommates.
The one with my hair blowing back and a smile on my face is on the boat in the Chesapeake.
I know I am probably missing so much info. I wish I could share it all with you. Theres just so much. Oh! Believe it or not, I am using my design skills. I think I've rekindled my love for design, marketing and advertising. I designed a letter head for our house and some stuff for the upcoming forum.
I miss you all and I hope you enjoy the post. I will try to keep you even more posted in the future.
It so WONDERFUL to FINALLY read another blog from you! It sounds like you are having a FANTASTIC time! Keep Safe! Love, Mom
Finally... another blog!!
What a chance of a lifetime! Keep the details coming as we love to share in your excitement and adventures!!
Sending you loads of love from the 'burgh!! MISS YOU!
Love, Aunt Amy, Ethan and Ben
Great blog! Beautiful pictures! Keep growing!
We love you and miss you.
Anxiously awaiting your next blog.
Great blog, DJ. Enjoy every moment...
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