Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Monday: Traffic Signs of God

Stepping down from the bus my heart accelerated. Questions filled my mind. Where do we go? What do we say? How do Tyler and I hear the lord amidst all of the noise of New York? Following the traffic signs was the only logical thing we could think of. Yes, we followed the walk signs. If the signal flashed a red hand we turned towards the direction of an illuminated human figure. Eventually walked to and through time square. Along the way we passed Times Square Church. The signals pointed Tyler and I away from the building. This was very hard for me. But for some reason we felt like we should fallow the signs. Eventually we walked all the way to Central Park. At this point we had no idea what we were doing. I felt emotional. We had no place to stay and not yet had we found a lead. From the get go we were looking for a bench to pray. Near Central Park we found a bus stop with a bench. At this point we sat and prayed. Tyler felt like we should walk to 42nd street. We were at 59th street we decided to walk back. Half way there Tyler was feeling like we needed to go to 47th. I knew that St. Patrick’s Cathedral was near 47th. We found ourselves in awe of the cathedrals structure. Tyler and I assumed it would be hard to find what we were looking for in such a touristy church. Outside the church we re-read the passage. Mathew reminded us that we were to inquire the city’s people to find a worthy man. Perhaps we should stop looking for the traffics signs of God and ask the people of New York. Long story short… First we went to a catholic church near the UN. Joanne led us to Harold at the Franciscan Friary across Manhattan. Both helped our moral by encouraging us. Neither offered a place to stay. We weren’t giving up yet. It started to get dark. Instead of going to a hostel for the night we decided to try Times Square church. We said a brief prayer as we approached the doors of Times Square Church. The inside was dark. The doors were locked. As I pulled my hand from the doorknob a women spoke from behind. She said service is at seven on Tuesdays. No one in NYC had approached us until this point. Somehow I knew she was our guardian angel. Tyler and I told her what we were doing and she was excited. Her name was Denise. She works in ministry in NYC. Again, she was our angel. She led us to the St. Paul Mission. Ray answered. He told us that they were full of volunteers. Denise lives near the Salvation Army. We walked by her apartment on the way there. Just before we got to the Salvation Army we ran into a friend of Denise’s. His name is Bradford. Bradford was hosting is life long friend from Canada, Sean. Denise and Bradford worked in ministry together. She asked if had any ideas from us. Bradford suggested the Bowery Mission. He also mentioned that he was going to The Haven later that evening. The Haven is a place for the arts community that strives to reflect Jesus in the Culture. There was one problem however. We had no place to stay. The Salvation Army had nothing for us. At that moment Denise offered us her couch. Tyler and I felt awkward staying with a female. However, this did allow us the freedom to go the Haven. We hoped to find a place to stay with a guy there. We were so excited that we had an offer! In order to celebrate we were going to buy some food and a metro ticket to get to the Haven Service. We never bought food but we did ride the metro a few stops to the church. (In retrospect we could of walked) We felt the Lord’s love so much at this point. So many times during the day we thought of giving up. I felt like crying in defeat at moments. Now we were in a church with young professional artist from NYC. We were joining in with them in celebration of the lord. If we didn’t find a place to stay we could go back to Denise’s. We called this period of time our spiritual rejuvenation. Before the service we met Bradford and his friend Sean. He introduced us to Caleb. Caleb was to become our new host for the evening. They invited us into their small group that evening. We sang our hearts out that evening. Never have a felt so happy. I felt like I could accomplish anything at that moment. There was a full band to lead the celebration. For the evening’s inspiration James Macklin of the Bowery Mission spoke. He is a former junky turned homeless, turned head of communications. He was very motivating. We then entered the small group time. Tyler and I joined Caleb, Bradford, Sean, Jenn, Ethan, and a few others. The topic of discussion was relevance. How much relevance are we going to give God in our lives? We left the Haven with Caleb. Our destination became Brooklyn. Before getting on the Subway we walked with Arlan, Jenn and Caleb to Whole Foods and Caleb bought some chicken. Arlan, Caleb and a bunch of other friends moved to New York over the past two years. They are from various places in the south. They decide as a group that they were going to move to the heart of culture, New York. If their ministry could work here it would spread like anything else does from the City. For now they all live near each other and have intentional relationships. Caleb is married and has a baby boy. His wife cooked us a pasta dish and we all had great conversation. In the middle of the dinner Chris knocked on the door. He is a friend of Caleb and rooms with Arlan. He was just robbed by a hoodlum with a knife. The kid put the knife to Chris’s neck. The way that Caleb treated the situation was a sign of the amazing community the group of friends are forming. Tyler and I slept in the living room that evening. Their dog Cooper kept us company. We both went to bed nourished by food and amazing witness of Christ we had during the days events.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Tomorrow at 10:00am I leave for New York City. I will return the following Saturday. Tyler and I are traveling together. I will have, for the most part, only the clothes on my back and 300$ between Tyler and I. Our trip is inspired by both Mathew 10: 1 - 20 and Mark 6: 7 - 13.
If we haven't found a safe place to stay by dusk we may use a credit card and stay at a hostile. However, the mission is for us to rely on something much more powerful than a credit card. I picture Tyler and I walking into a church or ministry and telling them our purpose. (read the passages) Hopefully someone will accept us into their lives for a week. In return we will serve their poor.
I'm sorry if that sounds like I have expectations. The reality is, I have no clue whats in store for me. All I can do is pray that I will listen to where the Lord tells Tyler and I to go. All you can do is pray for us is pray that we will have the greatest time of our lives in New York.
On another note... This week was especially exciting. My rents were in town! I will try to update you another time. For now I must prepare for my new adventure. Stay tuned! Don't Worry! I'll be safe. "I am about to make a brand new start of it! Right there in old NEW YORK! If I can make it there you know I'm going to make it just about anywhere! NEW YORK - NEW YORK!" (Frank Sinatra)
Pray that Tyler and I let the Lord lead us. It will be easy for Tyler and I to forge our own path. We want to follow the lord.
Much Love!
If we haven't found a safe place to stay by dusk we may use a credit card and stay at a hostile. However, the mission is for us to rely on something much more powerful than a credit card. I picture Tyler and I walking into a church or ministry and telling them our purpose. (read the passages) Hopefully someone will accept us into their lives for a week. In return we will serve their poor.
I'm sorry if that sounds like I have expectations. The reality is, I have no clue whats in store for me. All I can do is pray that I will listen to where the Lord tells Tyler and I to go. All you can do is pray for us is pray that we will have the greatest time of our lives in New York.
On another note... This week was especially exciting. My rents were in town! I will try to update you another time. For now I must prepare for my new adventure. Stay tuned! Don't Worry! I'll be safe. "I am about to make a brand new start of it! Right there in old NEW YORK! If I can make it there you know I'm going to make it just about anywhere! NEW YORK - NEW YORK!" (Frank Sinatra)
Pray that Tyler and I let the Lord lead us. It will be easy for Tyler and I to forge our own path. We want to follow the lord.
Much Love!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Ride the Chattanooga Choo Choo
The past four days were spent in my new favorite city. Those who are close to me know that every city I visit soon becomes my favorite city. I thought I should add that disclaimer. The interns and I traveled to the great city of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Specifically we spent our time on Lookout Mountain just across the Georgia Border. We had wonderful hosts.Thus far, I would say this was the best time spent during the internship. They are both deep thinking people. Each celebrates the arts and loves the earth. I understand them because they use metaphors and literal examples to display what they are teaching. They also love soccer! Our hosts have six children and they live up on look out mountain. Their neighborhood consists of their brothers and sisters, cousins and parents.
Our first experience with our hosts was a giant dinner with the family. We opened our mouths to assortments of cheeses, meats, fruits and vegetables. Our main course was a selection of four soups. The discussion was the most delicious entrĂ©e. I am starting to realize how important the meal is. Not only for our health, but our minds as well. I can’t see eating a meal by myself. The found is secondary to the knowledge you can gain by sharing a conversation with someone or some people.
Artists surrounded me during the week in the mountains of Chattanooga. I met our host's brother in law. He is a graphic designer in town. I was awe struck by his work. I really think that he is playing a direct role in the revival of Chattanooga. This was very inspiring to me. As you may know I go in all sort of directions. One day I want to design, the next I want to run for congress. Seeing how his design changed the city allowed me to see art in a new perspective. I realized that I might have the gift of creativity. With that gift I can plant a seed in a city. I could possibly do more in design then in congress. Design becomes even more attractive each day I intern. (BTW… This designer designed with Stephan Sagemeister. If you don’t know who his is, he’s possibly one of the best designers in the USA.
I recognized the possibility of connecting the dots. All of my interest and experiences make up the dots. Connecting them creates an image of who I am.
On Friday we left to visit Knoxville for the day. Once again I got to visit an all black school. Once again I felt incredibly far from the students. We met a guy from Nigeria. Knoxville College has population 70 students. Most of the students are international. Dilapidated, broken, and depressing all describe Knoxville College. Our host thought we could go and make some friends at the school. We weren’t sure how or what were going to do. Our friend from Nigeria was incredible. He had such a great head on his shoulders. I know he has so much potential. He could relate with others so well. Never have I met such a great conversationalist. We made a few new friends. I am amazed at how easy it is to talk to random people. I think that as long as you show them you care, they will talk. We actually cared for them and their school. From start to finish we had a 45-minute conversation with 6 KC students. We had no agenda; we just made friends with them. I saw life briefly from their perspective. I walked on to the campus asking myself how anyone would want to go to campus there. I especially appreciated my La Roche Experience after this. The students were content. In asking questions we went into areas I was uncomfortable asking about. We asked if they were trying to rebuild the campus. We asked what they expected from their time. If they cared? What do they do to pass time. The students answered and weren’t upset with us. They asked if we wanted to change the school. We said no, only they could. I think they liked that. I told them I would be inclined to want to fix the school. I realized that wasn’t possible for me to do.
Some other cool moments from Knoxville: We ate at the mellow mushroom twice. For lunch with our friends from Knoxville and for dinner we ate with a local Congressman and his family. I got to visit portions of the University of Tennessee. Wilkes’ Yukon reached its 200,000th mile. At the precious moment we stopped on the freeway and took a photo with the vehicle. We sprayed barbersol on the back window.
The sunrises on the mountain were amazing. I woke up early the last two days to see this beautiful display of colors and landscape. I felt like I was above the world. I felt like I had the world to myself. I spent the time meditating and breathing in the fresh morning air.
We spent Halloween with our host. Being that she is creative, she wanted to have a haunted house. Over the years they’ve hosted one for the neighborhood. All of the interns participated. We were supposed to play a crazy family that wouldn’t leave the house until we could tell our stories to the children. I was the dad. He is a crazy old farmer who lived in the back room of the basement. What made me weird is that I turned children into animals. In my area I had a real pig and duck. (Seriously) Collins wore a cheetah mask. He was supposed to show the progression from human to animal. He really scared the kids. Unfortunately we had to cut our show short. The pig decided to do his business all over the coal cellars wall. The smell was disgusting and unbearable. About 100 kids went through. I think it was super cool. I kept thinking of when we had the ER section of the Reserve haunted house. I enjoyed reminiscing.
Small note: The Monday before this, the guys and I were praying for Issouf and Niger. As you know I care about Niger very much. When we arrived I noticed he had a Taureg bag hanging in his living room. His father traveled to Niger to spend time with the Taureg. The next morning I got to talk to him about his experience. I was taken back by this. It was as if someone was telling me to have patience.
What did I learn from Tennessee?
I think I want to design. I can design for a purpose and make a living. (with a family) I want to work on my portfolio over the next few months. I am learning who I am more and more through each experience. Each experience sheds away another layer of who I am. In DC it’s easy to be something your not. Going to Pittsburgh and Chattanooga refreshed me. When I first got to DC I thought I had to be something other than what I am. When I went to Pittsburgh I was the true DJ. Tyler saw that and I was not judged. When I went to Chattanooga I felt free. They live in the middle of the woods. I didn’t have to impress anyone. Being in nature makes realize how precious life is. A sunrise lasts for a few minutes. A leave changes colors and eventually decomposes. For a period or time there is beauty in all that these things are. If god designed the sunrise and the colors of the fall leaf with beauty, he must have created us the same. Luckily we have longer than a 30-minute sunrise or a week long vibrancy of a leaf. We are beautiful for who we are. I shouldn’t be afraid to design or be artistic. By holding back, that’s like a cloudy day. You can’t see all of the colors so vividly. There is beauty, but not so much light and energy. Please pray for me. I need the courage to pursue design. Fear has been my hindrance. The signs are clearly pointing in that direction. I can change the world through design. Maybe later I can do the political stuff.
I never would have predicted my liking of Chattanooga. This spring I drove through the city to get to Florida. I wasn’t impressed. The view from the freeway wasn’t desirable. As with anything in life you must really examine the city up close. The buildings are all a facade. I judged the city at first because it looked bland. I could never imagine living in the south in the mountains. I have fallen in love now that I have a magnified glimpse of the city. The glimpse includes the eclectic mix of people, architecture, art, decay, revival, nature, spirit, and so much more. They also have a Steelers bar, but that’s beside the point.
Our host had a few wise words that I will end on. They are three important words. Hope, Faith, and Life. Without Hope there would be no reason for faith. Therefore I would have no life. I encourage myself to dream and have hope. I will need faith. This is what life is about.
Life is Good! I thank God for this day and the pleasure of sharing this with you.
PS - Went skateboarding today and had a blast. I’m a bit sore from some falls, but I will survive.
Something to read while you should be working
Pittsburgh will always be my home. As we approached the city via 376 I felt as if I never left. It was as if I was coming home from a long day at Kennywood or a snowboard trip at 7Springs. Emotions swept through me as I stood on top of Mount Washington. Fog embraced the city. Never have I felt as proud. Truth speaks in the quote, “You don’t know what have until you leave.” My only reminder did not consist of only the City Skyline. My family and family of friends are my foundation. Constantly I was reminded of that during the weekend.
I came to Pittsburgh to see Issouf ag Maha. Issouf is a friend from Niger. I met him during my travels there in January. If you read the BBC, you will know that a major Taureg rebellion is happening in Niger. Issouf is a Taureg and Mayor of the area of attention. The environment is also a concern of Issouf and his people. The desert is constantly encroaching on his land. As the desert spreads, agriculture depletes. This phenomenon of nature causes Niger to be one of the poorest countries in the world. The group of Taureg I immersed with were the most incredible people I have met. I will never forget the week I spent in the bush with them. During my lifetime I will go back to Niger. Because of this, it was very important to me to meet Issouf during his stay at La Roche. I expressed to him my desire to be his friend. To help Niger would require much sacrifice. I can’t do that right now. However, I can return to him what was done for me during my trip. The taureg showed me how to treat others with love. Although totally different in culture, religion, and lifestyles, the taureg accepted and embraced me. I can at least do that in return. My hope is to host Issouf in DC at my home. He did this for me in Niger.
My other objective in visiting Pittsburgh was to be with my family. You already know that my dad and I faced off in a Tiger Woods Golf battle on Wi. We are tied. (However, I almost beat him as tiger woods with a girl, Paula Creamer) Playing Wi with my dad was possibly the best part of being home. My mom took Tyler and I to a Chinese place for lunch. It was great to be with my mom. I know that she and my dad care for me so much. If it were not for them I would not be here in DC. On Sunday the whole family got together for church and breakfast. I’ve been away from family for two months. The limited time I got to spend with my family was great.
When I wasn't with Issouf or my Family I was at the Global Problem, Global Solutions conference. I must say they have outdone themselves again. The students did a superior job of helping their fearless leader Dr. LeBlanc make it happen. I was very impressed with the speakers, the panels, and the after party. Being at La Roche was a great escape. I enjoyed catching up with my friends.
What did I learn from my trip to Pittsburgh?
I learned that in college I exhausted myself trying to do everything. I tried to be everything for everyone. I get excited fast about ideas and proposals. Often I answer in my excitement before logically thinking about my decision. I don’t always do things for the right reasons. I apologize to everyone for this. Thankfully I am learning who I am. Regret is not an option.
I learned that family is much more important than I have made it. I value my family. Sometimes I forget this. I get caught up in saving the world (metaphorically speaking), and forget whom really matter. I may not be in Pittsburgh for a long time, but I would like to foster an on going relationship with the people who matter the most to me.
I’ve also begun to realize that I don’t speak in a language others can understand. I want people to think like I do. I want people to be like me. I want them to act like me. I know this is a bit exaggerated. However I get frustrated when I try to teach or (preach) and no one understands. I am beginning to learn that it’s not them to fault, but me. We are all individuals with our own beliefs and thoughts. I am learning to value that.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Due to Popular Demand
Sorry folks! I need to be more disciplined on my blogging. Due to a few request by phone and voice mail I am back to write some more blog. There have been many great experiences since my last writing. I don't know where to begin. Not to make an excuse, but I lost all of the photos that I wanted to show ya'll from the rest of my south carolina trip. That kind of deterred me from writing for a bit. I like to pack the blog full of pictures and stories.
So, what have I been up to?
The gang and I spent the rest of our time in South Carolina in Charleston. Beautiful! Charleston is located on the coast, just above Hilton Head. The town is very historic and the architecture shows. I believe the civil war began in Charleston. Slaves where known to first view our great coast line as enter the port of Charleston. Infact, I had a picture of the slave trade house. It is now home to shops of all sorts. The town is home to the College of Charleston and The Citadel. I really wish I had the picture of the Citadel Work out session. We had the oppurtunity sit in out their Friday work out. Instense! I would never survive. The Citadel is a Military school. I wish I had the pictures to illustrate the grueling workout period.
A few of us opted to stay an extra day and watch the Wofford vs. Citadel game. Wilkes, one of my bros. went to Wofford. We spent the day with his parents at the game. We left during half time as we had an 8 hour drive ahead of us. On the way home we stopped at the largest tourist trap in the world, South of the Border. Again, words just can't explain. I wish I had photos to show you the Mexican themed Breezewood. 200 miles from the mecca of fast food, truck stops, and even a sombrero tower, signs entice uninformed drivers.
The past two weeks have been spent recuperating from our travels. We went with the purpose of expanding our faith. I knew no one at the schools that we visited. If we were lucky, a meeting was set with the Student Body President. Most times we randomly approached student government members and asked if we could become friends with them. Usually we visit and talk about leadership. Most time we just ask questions and the students talk. The idea is that we learn from them. Our mentors wanted us to be in uncomfortable situations where we would have to pray for direction. One story sticks out the most. Noel and I went to an all black college. I was tremendously nervous. The reality is, I was afraid to fail. I thought we would walk on to the campus and everyone would star at us. I thought that the students would think we were there to patronize them. I had heard that in the south you just down do this sort of thing. Before Noel and I enter the campus we said a prayer. We asked for courage, we asked for a student who would listen, and most off all we asked for direction. Intentionally I drove off campus to park. We started to walk and a girl on a phone greeted us, she was very friendly. I asked her where the student government office was located. It just so happens that we parked right outside the office, directly in front of it! Noel and I walked inside and asked for the president. He just left but the secretary gave us his phone number. I called and we got the wrong number! So we walked a bit more. A group of guys were walking towards us. In the middle was a nicely dressed gentlemen. I was all of the sudden driven to ask if they knew the president. The gentlemen in the suit turned out to be our guy! He was so excited to talk about leadership and his campus. We set up a meeting for the following day. The meeting was the best of all campus visits in my opinion. By the end of the meeting the president said, "thanks, I learned so much!" Noel and I were shocked. All we did was ask him questions, yet learned allot? This story encompasses the purpose of our trip. Noel and I did something we could not do on our own. Therefore, we prayed. I was uncomfortable, in need of faith. I witnessed how powerful faith can be.
I hope that explains the story well. I can go further over the thanksgiving dinner.
Some other points of interest...
Last night I went to a cocktail party in DC. There was no affiliation to the organization I am interning with. The whole story is actually quite random. When I was working for the Senator and PennFuture I met man Named hook. He is the Janitor at the RET (building I worked in). He and I became very good friends. Hook knows everyone in the building. He happened to know that one of the ladies who works with another organization in RET has a son who lives in DC. He worked for Ridge and now lobbies. I emailed him to go out for a drink and learn about DC. He invited me to his fiancees 30th b-day party. I was actually kind of nervous being that I didn't know anyone. I brought one of my roommates along as a wingman. I would say that the whole thing was a success! I made a new friend in the guy I met and he is a fellow Pittsburgher! I was also introduced to about 4 other former Burghers. I hope that the cocktail party was the beginning of another new friendship!
I would love to write about everything but I don't have the time... Here is some quick tidbits about other things I am up to.
I had dinner with a professional illustrator last week. I had a blast talking to her about the profession. She said I could spend some time with her being that I could enter into the art field for the rest of my life. Click here for her link.
I went to Catholic Mass today at a little chapel that houses Missionhurst Missionaries. See you don't have to worry, I'm not converting religions. I loved the mass, there is a real multicultural aspect. Even the music had a tribal beat to it. This is due to the missionaries they have worldwide.
Tyler and I had a meeting with a Senator from Oklahoma. He is one of my favorite politicians. (Note, he is the most conservative politician of them all)
Brandon Brown visited me last weekend. He an I had a blast together. On Saturday we went on a 7 hour bike ride around Northern Virgina and DC. During the evening we hosted a man from Uganda at our house. Somehow he we had this great opportunity to meet again! He is very active in changing Uganda. We had some wonderful conversations. Now he is an even brother from a far land.
In short, I am continuing to have the time of my life! I know that I am missing so much. I can't wait to visit and share more!
I have some photos I would live to share with you. Noel and I visit the National Cathedral and Brandon and I took some night pictures in DC. As an ending to this weeks blog I would like to share them with you.
Click here to View Photos!
So, what have I been up to?
The gang and I spent the rest of our time in South Carolina in Charleston. Beautiful! Charleston is located on the coast, just above Hilton Head. The town is very historic and the architecture shows. I believe the civil war began in Charleston. Slaves where known to first view our great coast line as enter the port of Charleston. Infact, I had a picture of the slave trade house. It is now home to shops of all sorts. The town is home to the College of Charleston and The Citadel. I really wish I had the picture of the Citadel Work out session. We had the oppurtunity sit in out their Friday work out. Instense! I would never survive. The Citadel is a Military school. I wish I had the pictures to illustrate the grueling workout period.
A few of us opted to stay an extra day and watch the Wofford vs. Citadel game. Wilkes, one of my bros. went to Wofford. We spent the day with his parents at the game. We left during half time as we had an 8 hour drive ahead of us. On the way home we stopped at the largest tourist trap in the world, South of the Border. Again, words just can't explain. I wish I had photos to show you the Mexican themed Breezewood. 200 miles from the mecca of fast food, truck stops, and even a sombrero tower, signs entice uninformed drivers.
The past two weeks have been spent recuperating from our travels. We went with the purpose of expanding our faith. I knew no one at the schools that we visited. If we were lucky, a meeting was set with the Student Body President. Most times we randomly approached student government members and asked if we could become friends with them. Usually we visit and talk about leadership. Most time we just ask questions and the students talk. The idea is that we learn from them. Our mentors wanted us to be in uncomfortable situations where we would have to pray for direction. One story sticks out the most. Noel and I went to an all black college. I was tremendously nervous. The reality is, I was afraid to fail. I thought we would walk on to the campus and everyone would star at us. I thought that the students would think we were there to patronize them. I had heard that in the south you just down do this sort of thing. Before Noel and I enter the campus we said a prayer. We asked for courage, we asked for a student who would listen, and most off all we asked for direction. Intentionally I drove off campus to park. We started to walk and a girl on a phone greeted us, she was very friendly. I asked her where the student government office was located. It just so happens that we parked right outside the office, directly in front of it! Noel and I walked inside and asked for the president. He just left but the secretary gave us his phone number. I called and we got the wrong number! So we walked a bit more. A group of guys were walking towards us. In the middle was a nicely dressed gentlemen. I was all of the sudden driven to ask if they knew the president. The gentlemen in the suit turned out to be our guy! He was so excited to talk about leadership and his campus. We set up a meeting for the following day. The meeting was the best of all campus visits in my opinion. By the end of the meeting the president said, "thanks, I learned so much!" Noel and I were shocked. All we did was ask him questions, yet learned allot? This story encompasses the purpose of our trip. Noel and I did something we could not do on our own. Therefore, we prayed. I was uncomfortable, in need of faith. I witnessed how powerful faith can be.
I hope that explains the story well. I can go further over the thanksgiving dinner.
Some other points of interest...
Last night I went to a cocktail party in DC. There was no affiliation to the organization I am interning with. The whole story is actually quite random. When I was working for the Senator and PennFuture I met man Named hook. He is the Janitor at the RET (building I worked in). He and I became very good friends. Hook knows everyone in the building. He happened to know that one of the ladies who works with another organization in RET has a son who lives in DC. He worked for Ridge and now lobbies. I emailed him to go out for a drink and learn about DC. He invited me to his fiancees 30th b-day party. I was actually kind of nervous being that I didn't know anyone. I brought one of my roommates along as a wingman. I would say that the whole thing was a success! I made a new friend in the guy I met and he is a fellow Pittsburgher! I was also introduced to about 4 other former Burghers. I hope that the cocktail party was the beginning of another new friendship!
I would love to write about everything but I don't have the time... Here is some quick tidbits about other things I am up to.
I had dinner with a professional illustrator last week. I had a blast talking to her about the profession. She said I could spend some time with her being that I could enter into the art field for the rest of my life. Click here for her link.
I went to Catholic Mass today at a little chapel that houses Missionhurst Missionaries. See you don't have to worry, I'm not converting religions. I loved the mass, there is a real multicultural aspect. Even the music had a tribal beat to it. This is due to the missionaries they have worldwide.
Tyler and I had a meeting with a Senator from Oklahoma. He is one of my favorite politicians. (Note, he is the most conservative politician of them all)
Brandon Brown visited me last weekend. He an I had a blast together. On Saturday we went on a 7 hour bike ride around Northern Virgina and DC. During the evening we hosted a man from Uganda at our house. Somehow he we had this great opportunity to meet again! He is very active in changing Uganda. We had some wonderful conversations. Now he is an even brother from a far land.
In short, I am continuing to have the time of my life! I know that I am missing so much. I can't wait to visit and share more!
I have some photos I would live to share with you. Noel and I visit the National Cathedral and Brandon and I took some night pictures in DC. As an ending to this weeks blog I would like to share them with you.
Click here to View Photos!

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Pictures from a Protest in DC
Greetings from South Carolina

This will be brief. I really want to say hi to ya'll since it's been so long. This week the guys and I are in South Carolina. We are going to college's and talking to random leaders. For instance, Noel and I walked into a senate meeting at clemson and asked the president to have coffee with us. We ended up talking to the pres. the vice pres. and the pro tempour about leadership. So far I have met with the presidents of Clemson, USC, Presbyterian, Allen, and Wofford. We also visited Furman.
Right now I am writing this from a house of friends of the internship. We are about 10 miles from Hilton head. We are in route for Charleston. This is a well deserved one day retreat from the exhausting work we have been doing. There's nothing like living out of your car and sleeping in random places for one week. It's like a dream come true; traveling the country talking about leadership and life.
I made some great friends at clemson! So great, that they offered us tickets to the clemson vs. VT game. The other night we had front row seats at the Steve Spurrier show at USC. I think I have two new favorite teams.
Here is a picture of us at the state house in Columbia. (We also got to meet the governor)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Yes, I am alive, but I don't have the internet yet.

Hey folks! Sorry for the delay. I hope you can forgive me. In order to make it up to you, I am going to make this one even better. I added pictures!

First off, everything is going great! I am having the time of my life! I am learning so much and I, hopefully, am growing. I like to call this manhood training. (Refering to what Kunta Kinte, in the book Roots, called the period of training before becoming a man.) This isn't africa and I am by no means participating in any ritualistic activities. No fear! However, we have listened to a series of people, including, congressmen , senators, an NFL hall of Famer , and awesome people who have also succeed in the private sector. Each of them talks about purpose, their relationship with Jesus, and so many other inspiring topics. Tonight, this guy came to our house for dinner and talked about finding a sense of purpose in his career. He specifically recomended that we should seek ways to use our gifts in the ways that christ would want us to. He also said we should fail. He fails more than we succeed. Our success should overcome failure. In order to learn we will mess up. All this and more I am learning. I feel I am living the dream!
Above you see me on one of my recent adventures, WAKE BOARDING! This took place just before the entrance to the Chesapeake bay in Arnold which is near Annapolis. I have so much trouble getting up in the water. Once I got up I had a blast! It was like snowboarding! One of our mentors owns a home on the water. Austin, (a fellow intern) and I went with Jeremy, our mentors son. Our mentors are very open with their possessions. They are fortunate to have great things and they share them. I hope to be like that someday.
Also above you can see pictures from a trip to DC that both the guy and girl interns made a few days ago. We basically hung out on the Washington Mall. I am glad that I got to play tourist a few times before this internship. Otherwise, we are way to exhausted to be the tourist. We work, it seems, 24/7. Our job is not defined, but we are constantly learning. The day before the trip to DC we went to the capital building and were given a tour. I got to stand on the Senate Floor! We even got to ride the tram that takes the members to and from the office buildings to the house or senate floor.
As you can see, I am having a blast. It keeps getting better each day. I think, to be honest, the more I am in touch with back home, the better. It is easy to get caught up in the craziness of this city. I am so happy I have a great foundation from all of you.
Some info about the pictures. The one with me in front of PA is at the WWII memorial.
The group pic is at the Wash. Monument.
The picture in the car is of Austin and I. He is one of my roommates.
The one with my hair blowing back and a smile on my face is on the boat in the Chesapeake.
I know I am probably missing so much info. I wish I could share it all with you. Theres just so much. Oh! Believe it or not, I am using my design skills. I think I've rekindled my love for design, marketing and advertising. I designed a letter head for our house and some stuff for the upcoming forum.
I miss you all and I hope you enjoy the post. I will try to keep you even more posted in the future.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Quick update
Whats up, my fellow Pittsburghers?! I am having an amazing time! I've spent the last four days in coastal Delaware at the very exclusive Baywood Golf Community. The past couple days have been spent getting to know each other. This has been through beach volley ball, golf, swimming, working together to accomplish daily task, and great conversation. I know, this sounds incredibly surreal and almost to relaxing to deserve the title of intern. This is only intended for the rest of the guys and myself to begin our new found brotherhood. Tonight when we get back to our house in Falls Church our reality will begin. We have to figure out how to go food shopping for six guys.
Overall I am having the time of my life. I am being challenged and there is a comfort in that. I am used to being the mentor, now I am mentored. I will grow over the next nine months. I am excited to share progress with all of you.
This post was delayed due to lack of internet. I cannot make any promises as to when I will make my next post. I hope everything is great back home!
Peace and Love,
Overall I am having the time of my life. I am being challenged and there is a comfort in that. I am used to being the mentor, now I am mentored. I will grow over the next nine months. I am excited to share progress with all of you.
This post was delayed due to lack of internet. I cannot make any promises as to when I will make my next post. I hope everything is great back home!
Peace and Love,
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Today I leave
Today I embark on a new journey within the great journey that is my life. I am scared and I am excited. I know that everything is going to be just fine. Everyone keeps telling me all these great things about myself. I have never felt so much love. I wish I could just live within the past two weeks. All I have been doing is spending time with the people who love me. I know that when I leave Pittsburgh, I will leave a core group of people, who without, I would not be who I am now. If it were not for these people I would not be leaving. I truly believe that I have been molded by the people I have surrounded myself with. You know who you are. (I would mention names, however, I want to leave all names out of my blog.) If everyone felt the love that I have felt there would be peace in this world. I think that it is now my job to go out and share the love that has been shared with me. I might not know exactly what I am getting into (at all), but I do know that I leave a man and I want to come back a better man. I can become this through giving service to my current and soon to be friends and whoever I may encounter. Life is for experimenting. Experimenting requires openness to change. I am open to change in my life. I am willing to take the next year to experiment. It is my belief, at this stage in my life, that god is one. God is everywhere in everything. This includes you, me, and everyone in between. It is awfully hard to live out this belief. If I truly believed this you would treat others as if they were god, I would treat the planet as if it was god. By May of next year I hope to be closer. I don't expect I will every fully believe this Idea, I am human.
This is for everyone who I love. I am sorry if there are spelling mistakes or ideas that you disagree with. I am just going to type what my fingers let me articulate. What I write is only my opinion of what life will present to me over the next nine months. I invite my family and friends to listen to the journey. I am a work in progress. What I write will be my belief at that second and that moment. I think it will be best to judge the product as a whole and enjoy the parts. Remember, my goal is to learn to see God in you, me, and everyone in between. If you disagree with what I may be writing, remember my goal and what it entails.
Beyond this I would like to pursue an even more selfish journey. Eventually I would like to find a job. Or atleast know where to look for one. I have been tacking in the wind for the past four years. First I thought I wanted to graphic design. The wind has blown me in many directions since this first goal. I now wonder if politics is the arena for me. Others tell me no and some say yes. I know that I love design and if it weren't for design I would not have experimented with what I have already so far. How can I merge my interest of art, culture, travel, politics, "saving the world", love, faith, leadership, and service, into one? I hope to be closer in nine months.
My mission is to give thanks. I realize that trying to figure out what my interest are or packing for DC are really minute problems to face. Some face struggles of finding food or a place to rest. For the next year I will have both. My struggle is selfish. I am thankful for the opportunities that have been presented to me. I am thankful for tomorrow. I am thankful for the guys I don't even know who I will live with. I am thankful for the family I have. I am thankful for the friends I have. I thankful for the school I went to. I am thankful that this is free :). I am thankful that I have the freedom to write whatever I feel like.
Until then, enjoy!
Peace and Love,
This is for everyone who I love. I am sorry if there are spelling mistakes or ideas that you disagree with. I am just going to type what my fingers let me articulate. What I write is only my opinion of what life will present to me over the next nine months. I invite my family and friends to listen to the journey. I am a work in progress. What I write will be my belief at that second and that moment. I think it will be best to judge the product as a whole and enjoy the parts. Remember, my goal is to learn to see God in you, me, and everyone in between. If you disagree with what I may be writing, remember my goal and what it entails.
Beyond this I would like to pursue an even more selfish journey. Eventually I would like to find a job. Or atleast know where to look for one. I have been tacking in the wind for the past four years. First I thought I wanted to graphic design. The wind has blown me in many directions since this first goal. I now wonder if politics is the arena for me. Others tell me no and some say yes. I know that I love design and if it weren't for design I would not have experimented with what I have already so far. How can I merge my interest of art, culture, travel, politics, "saving the world", love, faith, leadership, and service, into one? I hope to be closer in nine months.
My mission is to give thanks. I realize that trying to figure out what my interest are or packing for DC are really minute problems to face. Some face struggles of finding food or a place to rest. For the next year I will have both. My struggle is selfish. I am thankful for the opportunities that have been presented to me. I am thankful for tomorrow. I am thankful for the guys I don't even know who I will live with. I am thankful for the family I have. I am thankful for the friends I have. I thankful for the school I went to. I am thankful that this is free :). I am thankful that I have the freedom to write whatever I feel like.
Until then, enjoy!
Peace and Love,
Saturday, August 11, 2007
First Post
Before this moment I have never officially blogged. Historically I start something and it sounds completely cool but I never really sustain that something. I the same could occur with this project. However, this is not about me. This blog is about all of the people I have met and will meet in my life. I truly believe what makes us who we are is the people that we surround ourselves with. I could really go down a list of names and specifically describe how each person effected me. I am thankful for each and everyone of you.
With every endeavor there should be a mission statement. "Give thanks".
Such a very simple mission, yet I hope it can become very powerful once implemented.
Along with giving thanks I will mention the various activities I am participating in. I really think that this will be a great way to communicate with all of my friends. I hope that we can eventually all share our stories here. Please express yourself using whatever medium you so desire.
Also if you need some extra motivation please ask. I love to help others conquer whatever it is in their lives that they are facing.
Please enjoy!
With every endeavor there should be a mission statement. "Give thanks".
Such a very simple mission, yet I hope it can become very powerful once implemented.
Along with giving thanks I will mention the various activities I am participating in. I really think that this will be a great way to communicate with all of my friends. I hope that we can eventually all share our stories here. Please express yourself using whatever medium you so desire.
Also if you need some extra motivation please ask. I love to help others conquer whatever it is in their lives that they are facing.
Please enjoy!
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