I started my journey to save the world, in the poorest country in Africa, and now I'm advocating small farms in East Tennessee. I want to say that I'm beginning to realize that I can have the greatest impact on what's in front of me, and change the world by changing the world I see outside my bedroom window. I say "I want to say", because it's so much easier to chase after the loftier goals, it's more sexy, so to speak. I've also got to face my temptation to look good doing good.
I suspect that if you're my age, you will face similar challenges. There are plenty of books out there stating my generations desire to save the world and that, in fact, we will actually have an impact. You may not want to save Africa or the environment like me, but I'm sure you have a desire within you to do better for our planet and it's people.
I challenge You, Me and Everyone In Between to start saving the world with an Egg. Not just any egg, obviously. Today, bring four dollars and some change to the Main Street Market and buy one dozen eggs. Your choice has many implications... 1. You're voting. Not on a ballot, but with your money, for safe healthy food in Chattanooga. 2. Local Economy. The money you spend goes directly back to the community of Chattanooga, not some far fetch community hundreds of miles away from here. 3. Environment. These eggs came from forty minutes away rather than forty hours, which means less fossil fuel wasted. 4. Africa and other poor countries. By buying local you make a choice not to support major industrial food corporations, who abuse and take advantage of poor workers with poor working conditions in our country and other countries. 5. It taste better and anyone can cook an egg!
The world's not going to change until we change. We can complain about the government or the industrial supply chain, but they're just feeding the masses what they ask for. Change starts with you, me and everyone in between and it starts right now in front of us.
Disclaimer: I still buy food from the industrial food chain. It's practically impossible not to. If together as a society, we decide to spend our money differently, I hope that in the years to come, it will be possible to live off of your local food economy, only. That would change the world.