So, what have I been up to?
The gang and I spent the rest of our time in South Carolina in Charleston. Beautiful! Charleston is located on the coast, just above Hilton Head. The town is very historic and the architecture shows. I believe the civil war began in Charleston. Slaves where known to first view our great coast line as enter the port of Charleston. Infact, I had a picture of the slave trade house. It is now home to shops of all sorts. The town is home to the College of Charleston and The Citadel. I really wish I had the picture of the Citadel Work out session. We had the oppurtunity sit in out their Friday work out. Instense! I would never survive. The Citadel is a Military school. I wish I had the pictures to illustrate the grueling workout period.
A few of us opted to stay an extra day and watch the Wofford vs. Citadel game. Wilkes, one of my bros. went to Wofford. We spent the day with his parents at the game. We left during half time as we had an 8 hour drive ahead of us. On the way home we stopped at the largest tourist trap in the world, South of the Border. Again, words just can't explain. I wish I had photos to show you the Mexican themed Breezewood. 200 miles from the mecca of fast food, truck stops, and even a sombrero tower, signs entice uninformed drivers.
The past two weeks have been spent recuperating from our travels. We went with the purpose of expanding our faith. I knew no one at the schools that we visited. If we were lucky, a meeting was set with the Student Body President. Most times we randomly approached student government members and asked if we could become friends with them. Usually we visit and talk about leadership. Most time we just ask questions and the students talk. The idea is that we learn from them. Our mentors wanted us to be in uncomfortable situations where we would have to pray for direction. One story sticks out the most. Noel and I went to an all black college. I was tremendously nervous. The reality is, I was afraid to fail. I thought we would walk on to the campus and everyone would star at us. I thought that the students would think we were there to patronize them. I had heard that in the south you just down do this sort of thing. Before Noel and I enter the campus we said a prayer. We asked for courage, we asked for a student who would listen, and most off all we asked for direction. Intentionally I drove off campus to park. We started to walk and a girl on a phone greeted us, she was very friendly. I asked her where the student government office was located. It just so happens that we parked right outside the office, directly in front of it! Noel and I walked inside and asked for the president. He just left but the secretary gave us his phone number. I called and we got the wrong number! So we walked a bit more. A group of guys were walking towards us. In the middle was a nicely dressed gentlemen. I was all of the sudden driven to ask if they knew the president. The gentlemen in the suit turned out to be our guy! He was so excited to talk about leadership and his campus. We set up a meeting for the following day. The meeting was the best of all campus visits in my opinion. By the end of the meeting the president said, "thanks, I learned so much!" Noel and I were shocked. All we did was ask him questions, yet learned allot? This story encompasses the purpose of our trip. Noel and I did something we could not do on our own. Therefore, we prayed. I was uncomfortable, in need of faith. I witnessed how powerful faith can be.
I hope that explains the story well. I can go further over the thanksgiving dinner.
Some other points of interest...
Last night I went to a cocktail party in DC. There was no affiliation to the organization I am interning with. The whole story is actually quite random. When I was working for the Senator and PennFuture I met man Named hook. He is the Janitor at the RET (building I worked in). He and I became very good friends. Hook knows everyone in the building. He happened to know that one of the ladies who works with another organization in RET has a son who lives in DC. He worked for Ridge and now lobbies. I emailed him to go out for a drink and learn about DC. He invited me to his fiancees 30th b-day party. I was actually kind of nervous being that I didn't know anyone. I brought one of my roommates along as a wingman. I would say that the whole thing was a success! I made a new friend in the guy I met and he is a fellow Pittsburgher! I was also introduced to about 4 other former Burghers. I hope that the cocktail party was the beginning of another new friendship!
I would love to write about everything but I don't have the time... Here is some quick tidbits about other things I am up to.
I had dinner with a professional illustrator last week. I had a blast talking to her about the profession. She said I could spend some time with her being that I could enter into the art field for the rest of my life. Click here for her link.
I went to Catholic Mass today at a little chapel that houses Missionhurst Missionaries. See you don't have to worry, I'm not converting religions. I loved the mass, there is a real multicultural aspect. Even the music had a tribal beat to it. This is due to the missionaries they have worldwide.
Tyler and I had a meeting with a Senator from Oklahoma. He is one of my favorite politicians. (Note, he is the most conservative politician of them all)
Brandon Brown visited me last weekend. He an I had a blast together. On Saturday we went on a 7 hour bike ride around Northern Virgina and DC. During the evening we hosted a man from Uganda at our house. Somehow he we had this great opportunity to meet again! He is very active in changing Uganda. We had some wonderful conversations. Now he is an even brother from a far land.
In short, I am continuing to have the time of my life! I know that I am missing so much. I can't wait to visit and share more!
I have some photos I would live to share with you. Noel and I visit the National Cathedral and Brandon and I took some night pictures in DC. As an ending to this weeks blog I would like to share them with you.
Click here to View Photos!